Vortex Animations


These animations were created with Vis5D software at the Visualization Group of the Scientific Computing Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado.

Motion of particles around the vortex core (QuickTime, 160x120, 00:00:46, 4.2MB)

Square vortex lattice after perturbation evolves into triangular lattice (QuickTime, 160x120, 00:00:13, 1.2MB)

Randomly placed vortices arrange themselves into triangular lattice (QuickTime, 160x120, 00:00:13, 1.2MB)

Transition from superconducting to normal state under increasing temperature (QuickTime, 160x120, 00:00:13, 1.2MB)

Destruction of superconductivity by increasing magnetic field (QuickTime, 160x120, 00:00:20, 1.8MB)

Pancake vortices in a high-temperature superconductor organize themselves in stacks and form triangular lattice (QuickTime, 160x120, 00:00:46, 4.2MB)

Pancake vortices form shifted triangular lattices (QuickTime, 160x120, 00:00:46, 4.2MB)


These animations were created with Softimage 3D software.

How particles move around the vortex core (AVI, 160x120, 00:00:06, 0.5MB)

One vortex as a whole (AVI, 320x240, 00:00:06, 1.6MB)

One vortex with a normal core shown in red (AVI, 160x120, 00:00:05, 1.1MB)

Two vortices (AVI, 320x240, 00:00:06, 1.6MB)

Three vortices (AVI, 320x240, 00:00:06, 1.6MB)